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  1. Solid Foundation

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    PRODUCING OVER ONE MILLION TONS OF PRODUCT PER YEAR IS AN IMPRESSIVE FEAT FOR ANY INDUSTRY. At Giant Cement in Harleyville, S.C., this annual quantity reflects the effective strategies implemented throughout their lean manufacturing process. Producing and transporting this amount of cement requires a devoted workforce and equipment that never stops. The 24/7 demands can take its toll on equipment and installing durable scales is integral to keep product moving. Giant Cement requires the most durable truck and rail scales to handle its high volume of trucks per day and constant stream of rail cars so they turned to Carolina Scales when they needed a railroad scale to meet their needs.

    Solid Foundation

    An existing competitor’s truck scale still resides on its original installation site, inhabiting low ground on the lot and providing a reminder that proper installation is an essential ingredient for optimal weighments. Because of its location, every rainfall washed any nearby debris beneath the scale and would often create pools of standing water. “That scale was a maintenance nightmare,” explains Brad Locker, Industrial Controls Engineer for Giant Cement. “It seemed like we were always calling someone out here to make adjustments or clean the foundation.”

    Nate Keisler, President of Carolina Scales, recommended Rice Lake’s SURVIVOR® SR truck scale and custom-designed rail scale which will withstand a cement factory’s high production. Carolina Scales installed the SURVIVOR SR with special considerations for the cement factory’s needs. “Nate really knows his stuff,” remembers Brad. “Because he is a former installer, he gives us a great perspective on our needs for the entire project – not just the scale selection but also what we need for the right installation.”

    “Any equipment in this area is going to be put to the test because of the sheer quantity of product they produce,” explains Nate. “I knew they needed the toughest scale possible so I recommended the SURVIVOR SR because of its added strength.” The SR provides increased rigidity and reinforced, easy-access load cell pockets for uncompromising performance and quick maintenance.

    Utilizing their experience and knowledge of the site, Carolina Scales installed the SR in an optimal location. The new scale towers above a nearby small drainage pit. This ensures any rainfall is diverted past the truck scale and any debris is carried away in the flow.

    Todd Keisler, head of construction for Carolina Scales, is a maestro truck scale installer. He takes every precaution to ensure the scale will last as long as possible. The optimal installation site was a solid foundation for this goal, but Todd went one step further. He ran all conduit along the top of the scale’s prominent side rails, guiding the system’s electronics away from the perils that led to the demise of the competitor’s truck scale.

    Carolina Scales’ expertise and the SR’s rugged durability are the perfect combination for the factory’s demanding truck scale needs. One solution was in place, but a more challenging problem resided in the rail car loading area. Here, two 50-year-old rail scales were buried beneath an offset in the track. Once fully mechanical, the scales received an electronic conversion in the 1980s, but the pits were originally built to accommodate the original cantilever system. This required the rails to be slightly off-center and would necessitate a tailor-made scale to match the unusual design. Carolina Scales worked with Rice Lake to custom-design a massive rail scale that would fit the pit and its existing rail, but installation would not be easy. Once the old rail scale was removed, a half-century’s worth of rail-car residue was revealed. It would need to be removed before installation of the new rail scale could commence. “The pit required a lot of cleanup,” Brad remembers. “There was an incredible amount of buildup after fifty years of rail cars passing over the scale. In places, it was so tough to clean that even a jackhammer got stuck. It took a while, but we were finally able to clear out the pit remarkably well.”

    Solid Foundation

    Once the pit was clean, the colossal rail scale was ready for installation. Its extraordinary weight required a gigantic 200-ton crane, but there was little room for navigation and no room for error. The scale pits were in the middle of the rail car loading station and the crane could not fit inside. An expert crane operator was required to skillfully maneuver the modules into position and gently lower them into the pit. “It was nerve-racking,” Brad says. “The scale had to be exactly the right size to fit the pit and the crane operator had to get them into just the right position. He just went really slowly and once the scales were down, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They fit perfectly.”

    A perfect fit was accomplished, but the rail scales had to meet performance expectations as well. Avoiding downtime is critical for the cement plant. “On the old scales, we would have load cells go bad from time to time,” Brad explains. “It was a huge issue because the scale would typically be down for three or four hours for maintenance. That’s a big reason why we decided to replace them with Rice Lake. One of the best features is iQUBE2® because it can emulate a good load cell if one has gone bad, and keep going just like all the load cells were still good. That’s incredible. We believe the scale will pay for itself just because of that!”

    The rail scales are controlled by 920i® indicators, which interface with the factory’s sophisticated PLC equipment. Once a rail car is ready for loading, the delivery chute slowly lowers and self-corrects its position with onboard video cameras. The cameras identify the opening in the rail car and coordinate the chute’s automated guidance system. Once it has successfully created a seal with the rail car, cement powder is released for a few minutes to reach capacity. The next rail car is moved into position and the process is repeated. Giant Cement is always looking for ways to streamline their operation. Reducing downtime and avoiding maintenance costs have captured additional revenue and increased efficiency. Because the new rail scales are more responsive, loading time has been reduced by an average of 5-10 minutes. That increases the factory’s throughput and allows them to process more cement each day.

    The increased durability supplied by Rice Lake’s SURVIVOR SR truck scale and custom rail scales provides a solid foundation for the cement factory’s daily operations, and they expect the scales to endure the test of time. “The old rail scales lasted for over 50 years,” Brad concludes. “After seeing the construction of the Rice Lake scales, I’m confident they will last even longer.”

    Unlocking durability is the secret to long-lasting scale performance and return on investment.


    Nate Keisler


    Carolina Scales


  2. Ensuring Accuracy and Reliability During Logging Season

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    Traditionally, most logging activities are reserved for winter, meaning that we are currently in peak logging season. This is because throughout history, horse pulled carts were the only available method for moving heavy logs. Having a layer of snow on the ground reduced traction, making it easier to drag the heavy load. Though newer methods and equipment exist today, winter has remained a popular season for logging.

    Weighing Tools and Equipment for the Logging Industry

    Logging industry equipment must be robust, should be assembled from the highest quality parts, and should be able to function accurately, even in extreme conditions of cold and moisture.

    Carolina Scales offers companies:

    • Crane Scales & Hanging Scales – These crane or hanging scales are ideal for taking the first weight of the felled logs (at-site) as they are handled by cranes or winches. These scales boast controlled tensioning, a convenient IR remote, properly lit displays to avoid failing vision in winter fogs and s1 bearing swivel hooks that can endure heavy duty applications. Some models like the MSI can even take note of the number of weighments and the total weight. They come with user-defined Peak Load warnings to prevent accidents and machine wear and tear.
      Solid Foundation

      Hanging Scale for Logging

    • Truck Scales – Carolina features a large and diverse roster of manufacturers in this niche, including but not restricted to Intercomp, Rice Lake, B-Tek and UniBridge. There are multi-truck scales available, as well as retro-fitted custom pieces. From portable alternatives to scales for steel and concrete decks, there are models and variants for all heavy duty purposes. Ideally truck scales should be able to weigh all road vehicles and their loads without malfunctioning or needing frequent replacements. Carolina Scales’ recommendations are a perfect blend of durability and weight sensitivity.
      Solid Foundation

      Truck Scales

    Carolina Scales embodies reliability, top notch quality, and parts longevity. To know more about how our products support the logging industry, write to us at:
  3. Improving Ease of Use with Remote Displays for Low Visibility Situations

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    Every ounce counts. It truly does. Weighing accuracy is undergoing drastic changes with the rising popularity of concepts like big data management and data aggregation. What was once an isolated practice of noting weights of cargo and consignments is now a connected and important activity. Thanks to sensors and intercommunication standards like Modbus, Devicenet and Ethernet companies can monitor weight measurement results from factories, ports, terminals and warehouses to have a very clear idea of how their goods are being handled and if there is any tampering with sealed packages.

    Addressing Challenges in Weight Accuracy:

    Weighing is generally conducted at touch points. And there might be a number of factors hindering proper measurement. One of the most widespread of these is low visibility during inclement weather or at night.

    n order to combat this issue, the use of backlit remote displays is recommended. An ideal display unit is bright, has a non-glare lens, is of high intensity and offers immediate augmentation of visibility. Carolina Scales is a purveyor of such quality products that are compatible with a variety of digital weighing indicators.

    Remote Display

    Backlit Remote Display

    Under the following circumstances, remote displays prove themselves invaluable:

    • Inclement weather at ports and terminals can cloud vision and confuse ‘callers’. Fog and mist are common annoyances and they plague data read out of package weights. A crisp, sharp display cuts through the haze and offers accurate readings.
    • Loadings and un-loadings at inconvenient times of the day may also require visibility aids to facilitate proper weighing. Early mornings and late nights are particularly susceptible to errors. Read outs that have displays in bright colors like red help improve visibility.
    • Weight measurements that take place in poorly lit quarters like warehouses that are typically dim also benefit from remote displays that are back-lit and thus do not require the presence of additional natural or artificial light for spot on readings.
    • Factories and settings that produce a lot of dust and smoke, like foundries or steel mills need sharp remote displays for accurate measurement recording.

    Carolina Scales has been serving customers for well over 60 years and is a well-established supplier of weighing accuracy equipment like balances, check weighers, counting scales, crane scales and remote displays of unparalleled quality and precision.

    If you would like to know more or request a custom quote, write to us at

  4. Improving Safety on Construction Sites Using Crane Scales

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    Solid Foundation

    Hanging Scale from
    Carolina Scales

    As the United States begins to re-invest in critical infrastructure and continues to build taller buildings, we need to recognize the hazards that accompany working with heavy equipment such as cranes.

    Many crane accidents come from one of two possibilities – inexperience and/or overloading. The first is something that can be dealt with only through years of training, and teaching operators proper technique. The second, however, only requires the use of crane scales. We can look at incidents in recent years that demonstrate the need for crane scales in large construction projects:

    • In May, ten injuries were caused, traffic was diverted, and thousands of dollars of property damage were caused when an air conditioner broke free from the crane that was lifting it in midtown Manhattan.
    • In July, in Pembroke Pines, Florida, a crane overturned and caused damage to its load due to being overloaded.
    • In the Chicago area in August of 2012, a crane that was lifting a gantry section for an overhead railway signal fell across numerous train tracks due to the load being too heavy, disrupting train traffic for hours.
    • Overloaded cranes regularly cause damage to infrastructure such as water lines, roadways, sidewalk, and more – often, these problems aren’t even noticed until after the crane has left the site.

    Had construction crews been using crane scales, and paying attention to the cranes’ weight requirements and load capacities, these accidents may have been avoided. There are numerous other incidents that happen on a worryingly regular basis, leading to damage, injury, and sometimes death, that can be avoided through the use of specialized weighing equipment. Make sure that if you are using a crane in your summer construction project, you are also using a crane scale to prevent accidents from happening.

    Carolina Scales is a trusted supplier of crane scales and hanging scales. These scales measure the weight of a load being lifted before it is suspended from a crane, hoist, or winch. For more information, please feel free to call us at 1-800-277-2439, or email

  5. Providing Weighing Equipment and Services Locally and Across the U.S.

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    Although Carolina Scales is based out of South Carolina, we sell industrial weighing equipment to customers across the United States. Such customers include warehouses, shipping companies, medical suppliers, construction crews, and more. We have the ability to ship everything from balances to floor scales, bench scales, crane scales, indicators, load cells and everything in between. When a customer is looking for accuracy and reliability, Carolina Scales has the products to give them exactly what they need.

    Carolina Scales Map

    While our service area includes the Carolinas and Georgia, we’ll also assist customers throughout the U.S.

    Not only do our customers get high quality weighing devices, but Carolina Scales offers software that matches each product for optimum functionality. The software is integrated for all parts and has the ability to scan, manage inventory, and streamline record keeping. Some equipment even has software that can give detailed transaction and productivity reports. The software runs off of any PC. This is just one example of how we work to best serve our customers.

    In addition, we maintain ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibrations. A company must first adhere to strict standards outlined by the International Organization for Standardization. Then, getting certified requires an independent company to observe and track how we are manufacturing products so as to make sure the standards are being met. This takes time and a commitment to doing what is best for customers and the environment, and Carolina Scales believes this is the right way to conduct business.

    Carolina Scales services local customers throughout the Carolinas and Georgia, although we are more than happy to service any balance, scale, or other piece of weighing equipment that is sent to us from customers who are located elsewhere in the country. We are dedicated to providing the highest customer service. When you call on Carolina Scales, you can rest assured knowing you’re getting a quality product from a quality company.